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Thanks for finding your way to us!

As a church family, we’re passionate about encountering God together and being transformed by Him to serve one another, our friends and families, and the wider world. We’d love you to join us.

This site and our YouTube channel give a flavour of what we’re all about, but the best way to get to know us is to join us one Sunday.

If you have any questions about our church life here and how to get involved, please do get in touch; one of our clergy will get back to you ASAP. You might also want to sign up to our weekly email to find out more about belonging to St Bartholomew’s.

There is a range of different groups and activities happening throughout the week at St Bartholomew’s; click one of the links to discover more about what goes on.

If you’ve joined us recently, we would love to get to know you. Please get in touch to say hello, so we can help you get involved with church life here.